We stand for more green in our cities.
We stand for more green in our cities.
Our team
With our innovative green roof solutions, we want to create more green spaces in our cities and thereby improve the climate in urban spaces.. In this way, we actively contribute to climate protection, which is the main incentive for each and every member of our team.
Our story
Plantika was born from the idea of exploiting the untapped potential of greening sloped sheet metal and tile roofs. At that time, green roofs were mainly limited to flat roofs. Green roofing brings many benefits, but most importantly, it is an increasingly important factor in climate change adaptation in our cities. This potential for improving the climate in our densely built-up cities should be exploited as quickly as possible, so it did not take long for us to develop the first prototypes in the company’s own workshop in Rosenheim. Soon the assembly of the first pilot projects on house roofs took place. Soon after that we officially founded Plantika – Green Roofs GmbH.
Plantika, the first company to enable the easy greening of sloped sheet metal and tile roofs by means of a specially developed, patented green roof system without complicated and expensive construction measures. 40 years of experience in the building industry, especially in roofing, coupled with the courage to revolutionize old methods are combined in our company to make living and building more sustainable in the future.
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